
Architecture creates 3D images so clients can decide on the house they may like to live in. These images are non emotional structures designed to assist in making personal decisions about their future home.

The midi-file perspective is similar, as it functions as a representation, an opportunity for musicians to make judgements about the music they might play.

The opportunity to cultivate the ethical and emotional potential of cultural expression is ever present. Australian musicians, and I make a distension here between musicians and novel entertainment, are uniquely placed as our musicology has yet to coalesce.  Australia is a young country yet to come to terms with its original sin due to the emotional immaturity of sophistic rhetoric. Multi-tempos is an attempt to express the equality of a diverse society. In many ways this young canvass presents opportunities for R and D by musicians. What will our music sound like when boomers disappear ?

The instrumentation, Alto Sax and nylon strung Guitar came out of a valued long term friendship with the Alto player Andrew Jackson. This easy connection lead to our Duo ‘Kroma-Zone’ and the three repertoires we play.

In essence the structure of the compositions is melody and harmony and therefore transpositions to accommodate other instrumentations are available.

Little articulation or dynamic markings are given in the music, suggesting the interpretation is the responsibility of the performers. The composer builds the vessel while the instrumentalist fills it with their personal impressions.

Newness is short lived, yet to avoid it’s creative benefits would only further the virtuosity of the familiar. Newness serves as an investment that elevates ideas.

Astrophysics talks about warping time and bending light and in abstract terms my thoughts do feel suspended by these blended non concurrent pendulums of tempo. Their coexistence of disparity sounds a rhythmic alternative to the phycological counterpoints of association.

Cultural Aesthetics
